Fall river gorge bird hike (partner event)

Please note that FMR is not taking registration for this event. RSVP to the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden at 612.370.4903.
Enjoy a naturalist-led walk looking for the earliest spring migrants along the Mississippi River flyway in Minneapolis.
FMR is proud to support this bird walk organized and led by the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden in Minneapolis Regional Parks.
Participants will meet at the parking lot at East 36th Street and West River Parkway. Many River Gorge Stewards volunteers will recognize this spot. Just off the main trail here is the rare oak savanna they've been restoring for years in partnership with Minneapolis Parks and the National Park Service. Years ago, it was full of buckthorn. Now, it's a thriving oak savanna and prairie known for providing important bird habitat in our local stretch of the flyway.
This event is free and binoculars will be made available. (But if you have your own or some to share, please do bring them.) It will follow the same route as the September 29 hike.
To register, contact the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden at 612.370.4903.